A farewell to grief - I DID IT
Hi darling,
I hope you are doing well. I know, I am supposed to write and finish the Art Aesthetics Part 2 Letter. But, I have to tell you about this momentous occasion in my life.
Grief and sadness, whatever the reason maybe, can and was a permanent part of my life for the past 2.5 years. It was like a smudged glass in front of my eyes., however beautiful life was, I could never truly experience it. It was always there, like the noise of a fan whirring, or like the smell of earth after it rains, or like a flaked off part of the wall.
Getting over heartbreak is a journey that often feels like an impossible battle, but with time and self-reflection, healing becomes a possibility. It feels like there is a storm inside which is uprooting yourself, but no one can experience it apart from you. It's absolutely okay to feel the pain , grieve the loss and take time for yourself. I have spent it crying and unable to scream every few days. Even in the most joyous moments, one part of me felt sad and unable to experience happiness.
This entire journey of the past 2.5 years changed me quite a bit - made me more robust to withstand life and its struggles, made me explore a hidden side of myself.
I have nothing but immense gratitude for my therapist, my doctor, my friends, social media memes and finally for myself. Slowly over time, I got better and better. And then one day, you meet someone and you spend a wonderful day, which it makes it seem like a pity that the sun has to set. And they fix you like magic, without them knowing about it. You possibly, cannot even thank them for what they have done for you.
“And at that moment, you feel freedom, joy, happiness.
I want to dance and scream and shout and cry and tell everyone, I did it.
I said goodbye to grief.”
I know heartbreak and grief will come for you. I cannot prevent it, how much I wish to. I hope you have everyone to support you. And then one day, I hope you heal too, like magic.
Yours ever so happily,
P.S - Always here to listen :)