Quirky hate for something

Hi Princess,
I think you would be glad to know that I have kept to my schedule. Hopefully, I can keep sticking to it for the future. I was wondering what to write today and then the universe had the perfect setup for me which lead to me choosing this topic.
Do you ever feel unnatural, quirky, weird animosity or hatred towards a person, place or activity ? I think these unexplainable thoughts are what make us human and it is important to inspect them with the microscope of our minds. If you ever feel that way, remember it is completely natural and it happens with everyone. But, do not let it fester, analyse why you are feeling this way, because holding anger for no reason hurts ourselves more than anybody. If you feel hatred towards a person. is it because something about them bothers you subconsciously and you just cannot admit the truth, or does it remind you of certain behaviours or actions you dislike. If you dislike a place, what makes it so, the actual place or something associated with it. The same goes for any activity.
It is important to make sense of these feelings, I am not asking you to be perfectly okay with every single person or place. If after close inspection, you find the reasons valid, try to avoid that person or place. But, try to be very thorough in your analysis and fair to the person you are inspecting, otherwise it just makes your world a more bitter place and we don't want that.
If you still cannot understand why you do not like something or someone, I am always here to talk to. The picture is to help you calm down if you feel bitter and anxious.
Love, peace and hugs,